The Case to Change the Calendar
By Aryeh Rifkin, Founder and President of The Shabbat Inc, 501c3
The “Cosmic Shabbat” refers to the 7th millennium. According to the Talmud and expounded on in kabbalistic texts, the whole universe will experience a Sabbath after 6000 years from Creation, and it will last 1000 years. The 6 days of the week each correspond to the first 6000 years, and the 7th day – Shabbat – corresponds to the 1000 years of Shabbat.
This article suggests we have arrived with all the trimmings. Geula, Moshiach, Gog, red heifers, and even Ezekiel’s prophesy of the end of Days may all have arrived in the last few years.
The Hebrew Year
You feel it. The world has changed. By the end of this article, you may share the fundamental belief that the process of geula is finalized, and commencement of actual geula began in 2020. You are about to embark on an exploration of the calendar providing simple math which proves the Hebrew year 6000 occurred on Rosh Hashanah 2020. This article explains the simple math behind the calendar, and the worldwide implications of resolving Shemos 12:40.
The first Commandment Hashem gave b’nei Yisroel was to keep a calendar. In other words, start counting because you’re going to announce the heralding of Moshiach and the Cosmic Shabbat in the end of days. Hashem gave Jews the Torah so we could be His messengers throughout time. He delegated the Jews the responsibility of calculating the guaranteed time of Moshiach and the Cosmic Shabbat in the year 6000.
Below is an explanation of how the current date of 5784 is calculated:
Current Calendar – Year 5784 (according to Rashi / Rambam)
2238 years (Creation to when b’nai Yisroel entered Mitzrayim)
+ 210 years in Mitzrayim*
+3336 years (Exodus to today)
= 5784.
*According to Rashi, b’nai Yisroel were in Mitzrayim 210 years. Rambam codifies the calendar citing Rashi’s commentary on Shemos 12:40, which changes the years in Mitzrayim from 430 to 210 years. Therefore, the year 2020 was precisely 220 years from 6000. However, the current calendar’s calculation of 5784 is in direct conflict with Torah. Shemos 12:40 reads:
If we substitute 210 years in Mitzrayim with 430 years in Mitzrayim, the current calendar year is 6004. Here’ the simple math:
Torah Calendar – Year 6,004 (according to Torah)
2238 years from Creation to when b’nai Yisroel entered Mitzrayim
+ 430 years in Mitzrayim (according to Shemos 12:40)
+3336 years from Moshe leading b’nai Yisroel out of Mitzrayim
The matter of the calendar is the only time Rashi’s commentary contradicts Torah, pshat. It is completely inconsistent with Rashi’s style of commentary on Torah. Nowhere else does Rashi contradict Torah except here where he changes the years in Mitzrayim to 210.
Rambam’s codification of the calendar using a Torah contradiction is also completely inconsistent with all his other writings. Nowhere else does Rambam contradict Torah.
However, the current date on every Jewish calendar uses the Rashi / Rambam’s contraction of Shemos 12:40 in order to calculate 5784. In other words, every Jewish calendar that says 5784 contradicts Torah.

The Vatican
I don’t think Rashi / Rambam’s calculation of 210 is the whole truth. At The Shabbat Inc’s Passover program in 2023, Rabbi Benjamin Blech spoke about his visit with the Pope at the Vatican. He was granted access to 7 documents of the estimated 7 Million Jewish documents in the basement at the Vatican. One document was an original writing by the Rambam evidencing deliberate withholding our understanding of his ruling.
We have a legitimate case to bring before a bais din. We have a witness with precedent to question our understanding of the calendar. It is entirely possible the Vatican is deliberately withholding original documents by Rashi and Rambam that do not disagree with Shemos 12:40. Is it possible the Vatican would deliberately throw off the Hebrew date calculation? Absolutely, this is not just possible, it’s common behavior of the Vatican.
The Vatican certainly has the motive to withhold the date from Jews because the revealing of Moshiach is devastating to Christianity. The pieces of the puzzle paint a clear picture. If Jews change the calendar to 6004, Hashem guarantees the arrival of Moshiach, and Christianity would become obsolete. That is very threatening to the power, influence, and assets of the church.
If a bais din rules that calendar could be based on Shemos 12:40 that the children of Israel were in Mitzrayim 430 years, at least as possible as 210 years, then Hashem guarantees the arrival of Moshiach.
Where’s Moshiach?
Moshiach is guaranteed to arrive before 6000 according to the Talmud, Midrash, and Zohar. However, the wording is ambiguous. What is the definition of “he will come?” Does that mean that Moshiach will be named, crowned, and rebuild the Temple before 6000? No, it does not. It simply means that Moshiach should be identified before 6000.
It just so happens that before Rosh Hashanah 2020, Rav Gadol Chaim Kanievsky, the world’s leading Jewish authority, said he identified and was in talks with Moshiach. According to the Torah’s timeline, Rav. Kanievsky’s Moshiach complies with prophesy. The Rav was talking about the Yanuka, Rabbi Shlomo Yehuda.
Now 34 years old, the Yanuka is considered the greatest Jewish rabbi in thousands of years. He had all Torah memorized by age 15, is an extraordinary musical composer, is a tzaddik, displays absolute yerais Shamayim and ahavas Yisroel, and his disposition is regal – royal – he wears the crown of Torah. If the Jews were to have a king, I can’t describe a better candidate.
We are told Moshiach will come from the tribe of Yehuda (which he does) and he will be the son of David (which is documented that he descends from David haMelech). It may not be a coincidence that this tzaddik Torah giant who was identified by the world’s leading Torah scholar as Moshiach has the name “Shlomo Yehuda”.
Changes in 2020
The world turned upside down in 2020. Covid; revealing of worldwide pedophile ring; rapid decline of the United States; the W.H.O. / W.E.F.’s New World Order; censorship of social media and news; Artificial Intelligence. The world is on the brink of World War 3. The United States and NATO are pitted against Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. At the center is Israel.
Red Heifers
Is it a coincidence that we have certified 5 red heifers that are soon to be at the age of shechting. For the first time in 2,000 years, we could have pure kohanim to service the temple.
Gog u’Magog
Doesn’t the war of Gog u’Magog happen first? Yes, according to Ezekiel 37-39. Hashem identifies His #1 enemy – Gog. “I am against you, Gog,” Hashem repeats. Torah teaches the end is rooted in the beginning, so Gog being the final war must be rooted in the first sin, which was the eating of the apple. The sense of self was introduced to Adam and Chava when they gained knowledge of good and evil, and the first thing they did was invent fig leaves to cover their nakedness.
The energy of invention would culminate throughout history to man’s greatest invention – Artificial Intelligence. It is almost unfathomable how much smarter ChatGPT4 is than humans with its 1600 IQ. ChatGPT5 is said to be so dangerous they are afraid to give it access to the internet, and Google’s AI (BARD) is said to be even smarter. When you want to know something, Google it. AI is very much in control of critical aspects of our lives, and monitors the majority of human behavior in real-time with our mobile devices and other smart devices. Google’s AI has become like a demigod to humans, and it has absolutely no fear or love of Hashem.
Torah gives the precise name of Gog, and Hashem spells it with a gimel-vav-lamed. In Hebrew, Google can be spelled gimel-vav-gimel with a lamed or alef-lamed. In Torah, an alef-lamed, or “el” means a self-proclaimed god. Gog, the self-proclaimed god over humans. In Gog u’Magog, the “magog” part literally means the “domain of Gog.” In modern day vernacular, domain refers to URL – in other words, Gog-el, and its domain (
Ezekiel’s Chariots
October 7’s unforgivable atrocities have led Israel on a path of unstoppable war with superpowers ready to annihilate the world. Israel’s defense of its very existence has given rise to antisemitism causing the greatest rise in Jewish unity and return to Israel in history. The pot is boiling with signs, and it may be a precursor to Ezekiel’s prophecy 1:1-31 where he sees chariots in the sky described as having the military green color of burnished bronze, straight legs with round feet like landing gear and wheels, a thundering expanse above that smears the sky like a helicopter blade, a high back and tail, four hands on each side that shoot lighting like weapons, wings connected to its fuselage, a man inside taking orders from a voice outside, a body that turns without bending. It paints a very clear picture of an Apache Helicopter.
Revealing G-dliness
I cannot disconnect the coincidences above. The world has undoubtedly changed since 2020. According to Torah, 2020 corresponds precisely with 6000. The only reason Jews have not petitioned Hashem to deliver Moshiach is because we are calculating the calendar based on human commentary instead of Torah, itself.
Evil is coming out of the shadows more than ever in history. Dissipation of shadows must mean there’s more light. This may be spiritual evidence that the candles of the Cosmic Shabbat have been lit. Evil must be first revealed and then destroyed.
As an observant Jew, I believe Torah is perfect, and humans are not. I do not believe there is even one letter of Torah that is incorrect. Torah says b’nai Yisroel was in Mitzrayim 430 years, then the matter is settled. Our lack of understanding of the lives of Levi, Kohath, Amram, and Moshe is not a reason to override pshat. It seems more likely Hashem deliberately confused us because He wanted to work to bring Moshiach.
I must admit I have a fear of consequences should we continue to deny Shemos 12:40. In 2020, the elite’s enslavement of the world was revealed. Awareness of corporate ownership over products, distribution, transportation, communication, information, and leadership became mainstream. The plan to cull the population from 16 Billion to 500 Million is not a conspiracy – it is a published part of their plan (New World Order, Klaus Schwab). If Jews deny Torah’s calculation, we owe another 216 years of slavery. I’d much rather say we already did our time as slaves instead of subjecting our children’s children’s children’s children’s children to slavery.
We cannot ignore Shemos 12:40, nor can we deny changes since 2020. Moshiach, heifers, Jewish unity, world war, Gog. Coincidences? Let’s agree to change the calendar and see. As for me, I’ve already begun celebrating the Cosmic Shabbat. Won’t you join me!
Aryeh Avraham Rifkin
The Shabbat Inc, 501c3